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      Your current location : Home > Technical analysis and production preparation of MS sealant at home and abroad

      Technical analysis and production preparation of MS sealant at home and abroad

      2018-02-03 10:18:44

      The MS series is a modified silane sealant (silane modified polyurethane and silane modified polyether) which can be used as a glue gun. It reacts with water to form an elastic substance. Its drying time and curing time are related to temperature and humidity, and the curing time is also related to the depth of seal. The increase of temperature and humidity can reduce the surface drying and curing time, temperature and humidity will delay the process. The MS series is a solvent free, non isocyanate, silicon free resin, no PVC and tasteless substances. It has been proved to have excellent UV resistance, so it can be used not only indoors, but also outdoor. It does not require special cleaning - bottom coating, especially for metals and plastics. When it is not cured, it can be coated with water or paint containing organic solvents. It can be used for wet and wet paint on the seams and joints of automobiles, sealing for rubber and glass, sealing for trains, boats and metals, and also for sealing and bonding industries such as equipment, electrical, plastic, air conditioning, ventilation and so on. Most materials have good bonding strength: metal plates (defatted, phosphorylated, thermally plated, electroplated), stainless steel, brass, aluminum (polished, anodized), glass, PA, PVC, PE, PUR-RIM and most thermoplastic materials have adhesion.

      Compared with the mainstream building sealant on the market, MS adhesive has the following characteristics:

      1)Health and environmental protection

      The traditional sealant (silicone gum) can release formaldehyde and VOC (volatile organic compounds) to harm people s physical and mental health because of the solvent. MS glue does not contain formaldehyde and isocyanate. It is solvent free, nontoxic and tasteless. The release of VOC is far below the national standard. It is the most environmentally friendly product.


      The traditional silicone sealant will precipitate silicone oil, the attachment of pollutants, especially with porous material and stone and concrete etc, will produce difficult to remove the pollution to the surrounding. Is one of the main sources of pollution caused by building facades, greatly reduce the appearance of the building and the value of the image, and the MS sealant from the mechanism must take such defects, will not have the same pollution.


      In silicone adhesive, polyurethane adhesive and MS adhesive, silicone bonding force is relatively weak, polyurethane adhesive force is strong, but need to cooperate with the base coat. MS adhesive has excellent adhesive properties, and it can adapt to most building materials without bottom coating.


      The molecular structure of MS adhesive determines its good weatherability, long-term exposure to outdoor can still maintain good flexibility, colloid itself does not have a bubble, can not crack and bond strength as a lasting, good thixotropy and extrusion, adapt to outdoor, indoor, wet, low temperature and other working environment.


      The traditional silicone sealant can not be used to coat the paint. It is often necessary to keep the color of the exterior wall paint consistent through the coloring of the colloid, and its production process is time-consuming and troublesome, not only the color is difficult to guarantee the same, but also the cost is difficult to control. MS sealant can be applied directly to the surface of the colloidal surface. Most of the coatings are compatible, avoiding the trouble, and perfectly realizing the unity of the external wall color, so as to keep the beautiful appearance of the building. In addition, the MS sealant does not pollute the surface of the coating. The coating can also prolong the service life of the sealant, and reduce the overall cost.

      6)Stress relaxation

      The building materials with time and push HGT contraction joints will tend to lead to slowly expanding, ordinary adhesive junction will bear the mechanical effect of larger problems, cracking and breakage of sealant bonding. MS sealant has both stress and elasticity at the same time. Even if it is stretched for a long time, under the action of stress relaxation, the influence of shrinkage of building materials can be maximally eliminated.

      A discussion on the synthesis route of silane modified polyurethane and silane modified polyether(一)  

      What is the difference between silane modified polyurethane (SPUR) and silane modified polyether (MS)? 

         This problem is actually very difficult to return; in accordance with the Momentive said, in the long chain, a carbamate group (polyurethane group), is SPUR; and the long chain, no polyurethane group, commonly known as the silane modified polyether; however, the author of ACCLAIM 12200N by Bayer A-LINK25 polyether, Jiamaitu once the experiment, found that the product viscosity and KANEKA; silane modified polyether, should be relatively close to or even lower; however, the mechanical properties, and cannot KANEKA MS par.

         From this point, the author begin to study the synthesis process, silane modified polyurethane and silane modified polyether; the first is the product on the market; Momentive, mainly the production of SPUR and Bayer, kanegafuchi and Wacker, production of silane modified polyether; however, several manufacturers of products, or there are some essential differences; the first is from the 1050 and 1015 Momentive, viscosity, I am responsible for speaking, certainly is a synthetic route of products on the grafted hydroxyl terminated silane; therefore, Momentive to say, polyurethane groups of long chain, is silylated polyurethane; however, why should emphasize Momentive he is a silane modified polyurethane? 

         Bayer 2458, from the point of view is typical of the viscosity, the silane modified polyurethane products should be used with Bayer polyether isocyanate, then secondary amine terminated silane to this kind of resin is; a urea bond, water resistance, very good; chemical properties should also be more stable than disadvantages also; the first is the same apparent viscosity is too large, the second is the product of autocatalysis is too obvious, the process is very difficult to get mixed, do well in the kettle gel (this doing high modulus black glue is especially obvious), it is not suitable for domestic conditions; kanegafuchi MS, very low viscosity. The mechanical properties of the resin is also very good, 203303, SAT400, the product is equipped with modulus are also very complete; production performance is also very good; however, MS from their own promotional materials, they generally do not highlight the water Performance and weatherability. Besides, there are no special publicity about water resistance from Zhong Yuan s products such as MA resin (MS and epoxy mixture) and some Japanese manufacturers. What s the problem? 

      Wacker s STPE is not very familiar. From only a few information, the mechanical properties are not as good as Zhongyuan s, autocatalysis is not suitable for China; the price seems to be more expensive and a bit off the mark, and no comment is made.

      A discussion on the synthesis route of silane modified polyurethane and silane modified polyether(二)  

      After discussing the products of each vendor, then discuss the type of sealed silane again.; 

          Momentive: 1050 and 1015 are the trimethoxysilane was terminated, the advantages of trimethoxysilane is relatively high reaction activity, the catalyst made by acid sealant, two butyl tin two lauric (DBTL), in the 1000 general filling amount of resin, 1 to 1.5 copies of the catalyst; but it is. The reaction activity of the resin is high, the better? As we mentioned before, the reaction activity is high, may not be suitable for Chinese market; the domestic market of nanometer calcium carbonate filler, water and other general rate is higher than the foreign products, and unstable; so, if the resin itself with longer storage time; for example, about half of that, in the time of mixing on the packing water requirements higher; non drying process and silane modified sealant production is the biggest advantage of this filler; 1050 black glue when at home, there still gel phenomenon will be more; hear now in Momentive silylated products in triethoxyl, hope they can get out as soon as possible;

         Bayer: trimethoxy silane and NCO clock amine reaction, coupled with their use of MESAMOLL plasticizer; self catalytic effect is very obvious, even without catalyst, will be in the kettle gel, but not suitable for the domestic market;  

        Zhong Yuan: methyl two methoxy silane seal end; just start, I have never understood why Zhong Yuan to choose this seal end? However, with the previous discussion; it is not difficult to understand why; the family s product, but in 1980, on the market, then the accessories may make kanegafuchi have to choose this kind of sealing end; especially want to say is the selection of catalyst kanegafuchi products, with the domestic traditional DBTL. Is not enough! Can only use the so-called two butyltin ketone (also called chelating tin) class 100 resin catalyst, the addition amount of 1 to about 1.2; the amount of catalyst is larger than trimethoxyl; however, deep processing performance and stable performance of the cured sealant, will be better from foreign products; with MS, resin products, deep curing rate 24 hours, generally above 4mm;

         Walker: there are trimethoxy, and methyl two methoxy; Walker is also aware of this problem! I have not tested Wacker methyl two methoxy products, is not clear, how they can do self catalysis and without tin catalysts methyl two methoxy products!

      A discussion on the synthesis route of silane modified polyurethane and silane modified polyether(三) 

      Performance comparison and application analysis of silane modified sealant, polyurethane sealant and silicone sealant 

      Silane modified sealants, its main ingredient is actually polyurethane ingredients, silicone is used only for blocking modification of the above; the mechanical performance is much better than the silicone glue, the applicable scope also have different uses and silicone rubber; on the author s point of view, sealed in most of the buildings (such as indoor decoration, cement joint, wood the floor adhesive application), silane modified sealant has the advantage is far greater than the silicone sealant; also, the cost is also a very important factor; because the mechanical properties of silane modified resin sealant has far better than the 107 resin; therefore, the cost advantage is in the latter part of the application, slowly reflected domestic; silicone rubber is a very competitive market, product quality is uneven (with low performance and mechanical properties mainly); At this point of view, the same cost, the mechanical properties of silane modified gum will be much higher than that of silicone rubber.

      The silicone rubber has the advantage of weather resistance, and supporting domestic complete and low technical threshold; and with the domestic environmental regulations gradually strict, 107 of the cost will be higher; domestic silicone rubber cost advantage will slowly lose; this phenomenon, in Europe and the United States, is slowly; in my opinion, China give the application and function of silicone sealant too much, and many of them, is the use of silicone rubber and polyurethane sealant; with only mechanical advantage; its environmental performance and the cost is much higher than that of silane modified rubber and silicone rubber; in some industrial sites, such as cars and ships with once a relatively large polyurethane sealant, market share, and now the market is slowly being eroded by silane modified adhesive; the main reason is that the silane modified with rubber And almost as well as the mechanical properties of polyurethane adhesive coated with the same performance and storage stability; and silicone rubber is the same; environmental volatiles than polyurethane adhesive is much lower; silicone adhesive force of the boost to make the most of polyurethane rubber supporting primer, become redundant; advantage is very obvious the;  

      Abroad, the silane modified adhesive market share is increasing year by year; one of the reasons, and the mechanical properties of silicone replacement cost alternative to polyurethane, played a very big role; foreigners are not stupid, they applied technology, I personally think that is much better than the domestic products are used; a lot of reason。

      A discussion on the synthesis route of silane modified polyurethane and silane modified polyether(四)

      Discuss the synthesis route of MS polyether:  

      In KANEKA s MS, the forum and some academic papers, the synthetic route to it is mainly focused on several points:  

      1.A large molecular weight PPG (such as Bayer 12200N) is used to form allyl polyether, and then a hydrogen containing silane is grafted with allyl double bonds to form MS;

      2.Directly let the polyether manufacturer produce a large molecular weight of allyl polyether, and then grafted with silane;  

      3.With a bifunctional product (such as MDI), the mono allyl polyhydroxy polyether is synthesized and then silane grafted.。


      Production and preparation of MS sealant:

      1. Laboratory R & D preparation: 5L planetary power mixer (including vacuum system, cooling system);

      2. Pilot stage preparation: 300L planetary power mixer (including vacuum system, heating and cooling system, distribution system);

      3. Production of mass production: 600L/1100L planetary power mixer (including vacuum system, heating and cooling system, distribution system).


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